Thursday, 19 September 2013

Retro Kitchen

Cutting Ryebread

This is my bread cutting machine. It is an original from the 1970’s, and it is still great for cutting and slicing. I love it - I love that something old like this still functions, because it is so simple and sturdy!
It works with a handle that you turn manually, no need for plug-in power here. Attach it to the table, turn the handle and away you go. You can adjust the width to whatever suits you. I use it for the heavier breads that I bake, I slice vegetables, but best of all I can use it to make wafer-thin crispy cookies. It is done by rolling the dough into thick sausages, put it in the freezer, take it out 1 hour before, then slice it while it is partly thawed and bake. Easy!

Wafer Thin Biscuits
Ginger Biscuits

 When I was growing up, we always used this "bread machine" as we called it. Back then in the 70ties, there were only two kinds of bread, ryebread and white bread and not much variations over these two types. The bread was not sliced and therefore most households in Denmark, where I grew up, had one of these. One day I was slicing some salami and my little brother Simon came over and stood beside me. As soon as I had cut a slice of salami he snatched it and ate it. I now did what most big sisters would do (?!); I took the salami and hit him hard over the head… and he went all wobbly and almost fainted. Knocked out by salami! Sorry Simon!
xo Sarah
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