After months of dry skies, we rejoice to the sound of heavy rain drops. Well, maybe not all around Brisbane, because in some places they got 400mm in one night and flooding. When it rains here it really rains!
After such a long time, the freshness of first rain on the
garden is such a pleasure to observe and to smell. The plants, they must really
be loving it too! It is not easy to keep a garden here, unless you choose an
all native garden. I like native gardens (a bit prickly maybe), but I also like
to grow some vegetables. I love picking my own stuff out of the garden for cooking,
even if it is only herbs… and picking flowers.
It seems like the year is split into two seasons only: a dry
season and a wet season and it is basically never cold here. During the dry
season, you can only keep your garden alive by remembering to water, during the
wet season everything explodes and grows a 100 miles an hour! Coming from
Denmark, where it is unusual, if there is a hold up of rain for a day or so, it
is a strange experience to actually miss the rain and when it rains, even
though it is warm, I still feel like snuggling up inside with a cup of tea – how strange
- it must be remnants from dark and cold rainy days back home.